If you have been playing video games for as long as some of us here in The Circle have, then you have definitely come across some of the most iconic weaponry, and even watched as some of them went from just being a few pixels in 16-bit graphics to being awesomely rendered in 4K quality. Whether you remember some of these from their humble origins or even if you only remember the newer versions, our Top 5 will surely be ones you recognize.
#5) Buster Sword – Final Fantasy
#4) Hidden Blade – Assassin’s Creed
#3) Kunai (Scorpion’s Spear) – Mortal Kombat
#2) Energy Sword – Halo Franchise
#1) Master Sword – Legend Of Zelda
Throughout the ages in Hyrule, one hero has stood up to the agents of chaos time and time again, Link

wielding the most iconic weapon in video game history, the Master Sword. It doesn’t matter if you remember this sword from its first appearance in A Link to the Past or from Breath of the Wild or any game in between, this is one weapon that every generation of gamer knows and loves, hell, you’ve probably spent more hours than you care to admit trying to get this sword in all the games. But that’s the beauty of a truly iconic weapon, no matter the time and effort it takes to get the weapon, the Master Sword is a weapon that you or any hero will want to have slung at your side.